
Wei Zheng is a master student in Xidian University (XDU) from 2020 Sep. He is studying in the School of Cyber Engineering at XDU, supervised by Prof. Yinbin Miao. He received his Bachelor degree at Nanchang University, 2020, supervised by Prof. Ming Luo. His research interests include applied cryptography, privacy-preserving Federated Learning and searchable encryption.


  • [Jan. 2024] I was invited to be a reviewer for IEEE TIFS!
  • [Aug. 2023] Our one paper was accepted by IEEE Globecom2023!
  • [May. 2023] Our one paper was accepted by IEEE TIFS!
  • [May. 2023] Our one paper was accepted by IEEE IoTJ!
  • [Jan. 2023] I have been awarded Tencent Scholarship!
  • [Oct. 2022] I have been awarded a national scholarship for 2022!
  • [Sep. 2022] We have jointly won the third prize at the national level in the Network Technology Challenge of the 2022 China University Computer Contest!